Pentru ediţia din luna mai a All Hollow Magazine, dedicată literaturii, autori de renume internațional ai editurii Curtea Veche au acceptat invitația de a scrie short story-uri. Inițiativa echipei All Hollow a mers mai departe și, în semn de protest împotriva numărului mic de traduceri ale autorilor români, a publicat în limba engleză proza scurtă scrisă de autorii români ai editurii noastre special pentru acest număr.

Toate textele sunt în limba engleză şi sunt redactate de scriitori contemporani, români şi străini, majoritatea dintre ei autori ai editurii Curtea Veche, special pentru All Hollow: Rui Zink, Alexandru Bălăşescu, Adina Rosetti, Doru Arăzan Jr, Adrian Sîngeorzan, Dumitru Radu Popa.

Numărul din mai al revistei All Hollow conţine şi un interviu cu Peter Esterhazy realizat de Marius Tucă. Esterhazy este unul dintre cei mai renumiţi şi apreciaţi scriitori maghiari contemporani, o persoana importantă în definirea identităţii Europei Centrale şi de Est. Peter Esterhazy a publicat la editura Curtea Veche volumele “O femeie“, „Harmonia Caelestis” în 2008 și “Verbele auxiliare ale inimii – introducere în beletristică” în 2007.

Mai jos, un fragment din interviul cu Peter Esterhazy, a c[rui continuare o puteți găsi aici.

Marius Tucă: Mr. Esterházy, upon reading your book “A Woman”, one could reach the conclusion — from a literary point of view, but not only — that every Hungarian woman has been through your bed. Don’t tell me it is not true!
Péter Esterházy: It is obviously true. Next question, please!

A key-figure of the Romanian revolution of 1989 said, in a moment of sincerity and, perhaps, confusion, that his life had spanned between metaphysics and the clit. Don’t tell me that you and him were co-revolutionaries!

The problem is, I cannot answer this second question like I answered the first. There are questions that do not necessarily require an answer. I cannot add very much to the arch that spans between metaphysics and the clit myself, but statements like that belong especially to the language of the 1960s. The symbolism and power of sexuality do not seem to be working much more nowadays.

● Can one find one’s freedom in a woman?

I don’t very much like it when men start talking about women in such terms. I don’t like it when East-European men start praising and glorifying the woman qua woman. I generally don’t like conversations between men that turn around this topic. If we had a drink too much, we would almost certainly reach the conclusion that “the world would be so much nicer a place to live in, if it were led by women”. However, while making such a statement, a man keeps paying his woman secretary less than he would pay a man holding the same position. Such conversations between men always occur within a certain intentional duality. For instance, a Hungarian man always claims to be faithful to his wife, but sleeps with as many women as he possibly can. I, for one, dislike these babblings, these meaningless talks.

This journalist has to ask all the questions, so I will ask them all now and you will answer whichever you like, if you like. Do women have souls? Do they have hearts? What do women never give? What do they always give? How do you figure out the female percentage in a man? Which is the best love statement you have ever made to a woman and which is the best love statement that has ever been made to you?

I would say, however odd it may seem, that I do not make a separation between men and women. I also admit that such a separation should be made, from certain points of view. For instance, I do not think of myself as a man. Well, it is true I do not think of myself as a woman, either. A writer, though, has the professional obligation to be a woman as well. When it comes to love statements, the best of them are not the ones put in words. este un proiect cultural artistic online, construit sub forma de revistă lunară. Echipa globală lucrează din București și New York, livrând lunar bundle-uri de content – editorial, photo etc, precum şi proiecte speciale, la cerere. e deschis colaborarilor, lucrările fiind creditate in full.